
Monday, September 6, 2010

What advice would you give to a someone newly diagnosed with RA?

I was diagnosed at 23, 27 years ago this month.  I so wish I had listened to the advice I was give back then. Would it have changed how I am know? I strongly believe it would have. So to you out there who have been newly diagnosed, here is my advice:

  1. Daily do your Range of Motion  and low impact exercises. This is the most important! Your physiotherapist will give you instructions on how to do the Range of Motion exercises that you can later do at home.
    1. Go to an occupational therapist and get hand resting splints and use them every night. You could alternate one hand one night and the other hand the second night to make things a little easier.
    2. Eat healthy - some will suggest no nightshade vegetables, cutting back on red meat, becoming a vegetarian - what ever works for you to lessen the swelling and the pain.
    3. Connect with others with RA - no one truly understands what we are going through unless they too have RA.  They can empathize, tell you what worked for them, and let you know you are not alone.
    4. Rejoice on the good days, don't take them for granted!
    5. If after 3-6 months your medication isn't working go back to your rheumatologist and let them know.  Ask to try something else. I don't know if it is the same in the US but in Canada you have to go through all the medication steps before the government approve a new medication such as Embrel or Humira.
    6. Do not take predisone for a long period of time! I was on it for several years as it was the only thing at that time that worked. But with long term use it is causes your joints to weaken and deteriorate. It is great for short term though, especially for a major flair up.

    Well that's my advice for now!  Now it's your turn - what advice would you give?


    1. I agree with your tips and I'd add "Keep finding the good in life/keep your chin up." I think having a positive attitude - no matter hard it may be some days - is really beneficial to how we feel overall. I know when I have my down days, my joints definitely feel worse!

    2. You are so right! Smiling, even when we might feel like crying - just found this on Youtube: There were so many versions of "Smile" I could hardly pick!
